Retirement Homes

Deal Acres

Last Update 10 months ago

Indian households are usually made up of a couple living with their parents or children. Every age has its own problems, but when you’re old, you need your full attention on safety and security. Because of this, retirement homes are often also called nursing homes, which offer different levels of care based on the person’s needs and their ability to pay. Even though there are a lot of myths about retirement homes, no one should let that stop them from finding the perfect place that will provide the best care. The first step in finding the right retirement home is to find one that has the kind of help you need.

So, there are two types of services for retired people:

Independent living is a term for housing units made for older people who can do their daily tasks without help. In this kind of housing, seniors are encouraged to live on their own, but basic safety is made sure by installing things like ramps for wheelchair access, tiles that don’t slip, grip rails, panic buttons, and so on.

Assisted living is housing for seniors who need help around the clock because of long-term health problems. This is good for older people who can’t do simple things on their own and need help all the time.

Things to know about Retirement Homes

Changes in cultural standards, a more capitalist way of life, and the search for places away from the noise and pollution of the city have all led to an increase in senior citizen homes or projects. Some of the most important things that a home for seniors needs are things that help with spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional, and environmental wellness. Low-height shelves, bigger balconies to get more sunlight, nurse and servant rooms, and emergency buttons in rooms and bathrooms are some other things that senior citizen homes must have.

Proper lighting

One of the problems that come with getting old is having trouble seeing. Because of this, it’s important to make sure the house has enough light so that older people can get around easily. Experts say to brighten up places like hallways and stairs that aren’t well-lit.

Slip-resistant floors

Falls are thought to be the most common way for people 60 and older to get hurt. Slippery surfaces can be taken care of to stop these kinds of accidents. Non-slip mats are put in places like the bathroom and kitchen that are likely to get wet or have spilled.

Easy access

It’s important to make sure that the house has enough features that make it easy for older people to get around and do basic things without help. If the buyer uses a wheelchair, all hallways, foyers, and passageways are made to be 42 inches wide, and doorways are at least 36 inches wide.

Some things that make Retirement Homes for Retired people safer are:

There are also the following:

  • Parks with walking paths that are well-kept and easy to get to
  • Designs and fittings that are right for their age, like non-slip tiles, night lights in the bedroom, and grab rails in the hallways and bathroom.
  • Free checkups and regular health camps
  • There is a doctor, an ambulance, and emergency care on site
  • Indoor games, hobby classes, and interactive sessions at the activity center

How to Buy a Home for Retirement?

If you want to move into a senior living home, these basic tips will help you make the right investment decision:

What’s available?

Carefully think about your needs and decide if you need assisted living or not. India may not have many options for the first, but there are a few projects that allow seniors to live on their own.

Change for the better

Several builders have come up with housing projects that are especially for older people. With these projects, there will be better medical facilities, health care centres, specialised places to work, and recreation centres. Some projects even have on-site doctors, dietitians, and therapists. You need to think about whether or not all the amenities will help you improve your life and make things easier.


About 10–15% more is spent on senior living projects than on regular projects. They charge more because they have more amenities and facilities. Experts say that the planning and design of such facilities add about Rs 100 per square foot to the cost of building senior homes. Before you choose the nicest retirement homes on the market, you should think about your finances.

Renting vs buying

You don’t have to buy a senior home if you want to live there. You can also rent one. You can test the waters by renting or by signing a lease for life. When you rent, you can pay an initial fee, a deposit that you can get back, and a monthly fee for the services. This model gives you the freedom to leave if you’re not happy with the services. In the lifetime lease model, you can just pay the registration fee and then pay the monthly rent and service fees to stay in the house for the rest of your life. Before switching to a lifetime lease, it is best to go with the rental model. In both cases, you don’t own the house, so you can’t sell it or give it to your children. In order to get these rights, you have to buy the housing unit, which is your last option.

Disclaimer: The opinions shown above are mainly for informational reasons and are based on market research. Deal Acres is not responsible for any actions made as a result of relying on the provided material and makes no representations as to its accuracy, completeness, or reliability.

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